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Wedding Etiquette Who Pays For What?

There are a lot of people who believe, that by modern standards, a couple should have to pay for everything when they get married. However, there are always plenty of parents, and even other family members who may what to pitch in to contribute to the special day. Who pays for the wedding? Basically speaking, there are some traditional divisions that you can keep in mind that will help as you move forward with planning. Knowing who pays for what in a wedding will help everyone so that there is no question.

The Engagement Party

According to tradition and who pays for what leading up to a wedding, the bride’s parents will normally throw the engagement party. With the changing times, there are some couples that will be able to enjoy both sets of parents chipping in to make it one beautiful event for both families and close friends to enjoy. Even though this is not a requirement for wedding planning, such a party can be a nice way to introduce both families and other guests who might be in attendance at the wedding.    getting-married-300x200 Wedding Etiquette Who Pays For What?

The Bride’s Family

According to wedding etiquette, who pays for what the bride needs will usually be her family. Both the bride and her family will usually be responsible for the bridal attire, planning expenses, floral arrangements, photography, videography fees, wedding day transportation, various lodging expenses for bridal attendants and members of the bride’s family, and all of the costs associated with the reception. However, the bride will traditionally pay for any flowers and gifts that she gives to her attendants, the ring for the groom and also a present to give to him on their wedding day.


To answer the question of who pays for the wedding stationery, including any engagement or wedding announcements, invitations to the rehearsal dinner and wedding as well as the wedding programs, these are usually costs that are taken care of by the bride and her family.

The Groom’s Family

If you are wondering who pays for wedding flowers worn by the male attendants and other immediate members on both sides, it is usually the groom’s family. They will also usually take care of lodging for any attendants of the groom, the attire for the groom and the entire cost of the rehearsal dinner. The groom himself is generally expected to pay for officiant fees, the marriage license, bouquet for the bride, both her engagement and wedding rings and a gift for her for the wedding day. He should also plan on buying boutonnieres and gifts for the attendants on his side as well as the expenses for the honeymoon.

In some instances, the family of the groom will help to offset some of the cost of the reception by taking care of the bar tab or purchasing the alcohol. Other variances will include paying for floral expenses or contributing to the cost of the honeymoon.

The beautiful thing about a modern day wedding is that there is no solid rule as to who has to pay for what for the big day and all of the events leading up to it. The parents of the bride do not have to take out a second, or even third mortgage to help pay for a wedding when you start to factor in the help that you may be able to receive from other close friends or family members. If you are like a lot of other couples getting married today, you may be able to pay for a pretty decent chunk of your wedding on your own.

The best way to go about determining who pays for the wedding, you simply have to sit down and make a list of what you need and talk with your family members about what each side feels that they can afford to take on. Just remember that rules are always meant to be broken and it is never going to be set in stone that you have to follow old school wedding etiquette who pays for what in a wedding.

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